Daily Archives: March 22, 2015

Steam and R/C from Japan

Do you like real miniature steam engines? Do you like R/C boats or would you like R/C boats if you  could operate one with a real steam engine?

Good news if you answered yes to the above! Ages of Sail just became a distributor for steam engine and boat kits from Saito Manufacturing. This company has been selling aircraft engines and parts in the US for some time, but Ages of Sail is now importing their boats and steam kits.


I’ve only recently looked into these steam engines and they look absolutely awesome. For someone who is not into R/C models, I could easily be swayed to build R/C if I could incorporate these engines. They aren’t cheap, but they are incredibly cool, or hot as the case may be.

The boat kits require specific engines and the engines require a boiler and a water tank. Options include pressure gauges and the use of smoke oil, etc.

kamomr2 samson1

The shipment only just arrived this week, so it will take a little time for the staff to sort through the products, get them priced and on their website, but this is very exciting. Can’t wait to see people operating these on the water!

Watch for them on AgesofSail.com