Category Archives: Corel’s Misticque Scratch Build

Building a Kit Without the Kit – Corel’s Misticque – Part 2

It’s been nearly two years since I wrote about the possibility of scratch building a polacca xebec Misticque model from kit plans. Our local ship model club has been asked to participate in an even celebrating the reconstructed French 32-gun frigate Hermione, so it only seemed appropriate to be working on a French ship of the general era. Though a very different type of ship, Misticque was built in 1750 and was in service through the early 1780s, which is in Hermione’s time.

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Building a Kit Without the Kit – Corel’s Misticque

Having been a ship modeler for around 30 years now, I have seen many models built and have built many myself. I’ve also spent a lot of time looking at the many available kits of beautiful looking ships of all kinds, and imagining building them. But, after building so many kits, I find the desire to scratch build a model. Now, I have scratch built quite a few models, mostly Japanese traditional boats, but also a few American subjects too: pilot boat, War of 1812 privateer, various hulls, etc. But, it seemed time to take on something more significant.

Now, kits still have the appeal of having already been planned out. Plus, they include all necessary decorative components. And, kits like those produced by Corel, still build into some of the most beautiful models.

Corel’s French Xebec Misticque, 1750

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